Wednesday 15 October 2008

Finally Treat Yeast Infection Because of Antibiotics

Do you think you are the only person whose misfortune was to get yeast infection because of antibiotics? No, you are not the only one for sure. Actually, most of the women have had at least once in their life thrush because of use of antibiotics.

You are sick, your doctor prescribes you antibiotics, as there is no other way to make you good, but unfortunately the antibiotics, like any other drugs, have and other side affects on your health.Why do you get yeast infection after you took antibiotics? This is happening because the drugs kill all the bacteria in your body, good or bad ones. They are not so intelligent to read which ones are good and which ones are bad.

No matter how bad you feel, you have to treat your yeast infection. On average 30%-80% of all women will get a yeast infection after a treatment with antibiotics. The itchiness, redness and burning sensation will makes it hard to not treat it. Either you will take some over the counter medications, not really recommend it as in the future they will not have any affect on your disease, either you will try to use natural remedies for your yeast infections.

Using natural yeast infection cures for your disease is not so hard .You will be surprised to find out that a simple unsweetened yogurt and un-pasteurized can release your itchiness and feel much more better.Also, drinking milk can help, as it contains lactobacillus acidophilus.

Yogurt is the right treatment for curing yeast infection due to antibiotics ,especially if you apply this cure before or while you take the treatment with antibiotics. Don't let the yeast take hold of your body.It may be very difficult to get rid of it later.

Natural yeast infection cures are great to cure it in an effective and yet simple way. These can help you not only to treat yeast infection because of antibiotics but also to change your life forever and forget about over-the-counter drugs.

Click here to find out how you can treat yeast infection because of antibiotics!

Friday 10 October 2008

Yeast Infection in Males - The Hidden Truth

Yeast infection in males is as common as yeast infection in women , even if , mistakenly, many think opposite.This can happen and because usually the male yeast infection occurs with no symptoms.

Yeast infection can develop if the man was not circumcised or the man has diabetics . Also, another cause, not fully proven, is that if you drink heavily beer, you are more prone to develop a yeast infection. However, the most common cause of male yeast infection is having unprotected sex with a woman who has vaginal yeast infection or candida.

How is growing a yeast infection into men? Well, the fungus grows under the penis's foreskin until it becomes a fully yeast infection. Sometimes, it can even travel up to man's urethra and affects their prostate gland.

Antibiotics are well-known for their side affects on health of people. One such affect is that some of the antibiotics determine the killing of the good bacteria in the body , not only the bad ones. Then the fungus, candida, develops at a rapid rate and the body gets yeast infection. But not only antibiotics can cause you yeast infection, also a weak immune system can trigger it. Wet conditions, hormonal changes or changes in diets are well-known in causing you trouble with yeast infection.

If doesn't have any symptoms, most males think that is a minor disease. If you treat it from the beginning , it will not causing you big trouble in curing it. However, let it grow and chronic yeast infection will get your health and lifestyle in big trouble. Yeast infection is well-known for various side effects.

Some of the side effects of yeast infection include sexual dysfunction, memory loss, dry skin, bloating, fatigue, diarrhea, mood swings, athlete feet, jock itch , and prostate problems. One probable sign of yeast infection is craving for sweets, potato chips, pasta and other starchy foods.

Knowing these side effects and the problems that yeast infection can cause to your health on the long- term, is always wise and advisable to treat it not only with conventional things, like over-the-counter drugs that also women use, but also with some natural remedies for yeast infections. Yeast infection in males is not so different compared with yeast infection in women, and advisable to apply the same remedies to treat it.

Here you can find very good methods to cure males yeast infection naturally!

Thursday 9 October 2008

Systemic Yeast Infection And Rash-How To Get Rid Of Systemic Yeast Infection And Rash?

Systemic yeast infection and rash or candida is extremely difficult to detect and kill. It is the unknown cause of many disease nowadays, mainly due to antibiotics. There is relatively a new brunch of medical science dedicated to study the chronic yeast infections and its implications on the health . It is discovering that systemic yeast infection is the main root and a host of medical problems, as chronic fatigue, chronic infections,allergies and many more others. Also, the intestinal yeast infections are the source of recurrent yeast infection conditions such as vaginal yeast infection and dandruff.

Nowadays there are almost 80%-90% of the population who suffers on one stage of their life of yeast infection(women,men and children). One of the reason so many people get it is not only the easiness of growing of the yeast infection bacteria called and fungus, but also because is very misleading on diagnosing it right. Most of the time the doctor will tells you that you suffer from different types of diseases , without knowing for sure the real cause of them.And most of the time the infection with yeast is that can cause diseases as: arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, arteriosclerosis, eczema, gout, acne, dandruff, depression.

In combating the yeast infection , a good method is to use the enzymes, which works specifically to rebalanced the natural health of the body and get rid of yeast infection in a natural way. They are very useful in fighting the systemic yeast infection , re-balance the natural inner body and eliminate the toxins from the body and free radicals at the level of the cells.

The disease of systemic yeast infection are quite varied and even life threatening. Even if you take antibiotics against them , most of the time are ineffective, so the fungus are able to thrive and get over the body, and the more they spread, the more difficult to treat it is becoming, until some kind of action to stop it, it is taken.

One of the best treatment for systemic yeast infection is diflucan. You can get it once as a pill or use the cream several days. From the research on several women can have great effect in combating systemic yeast infection and rash.

Wednesday 8 October 2008

The Best Natural Yeast Infection Cures!

Natural yeast infection cures are an easy and safe way to treat your yeast infection. If you are looking for lasting solutions, than the so easy over-the-counter and prescribed medications are not the options for you. Simply speaking, the natural yeast infection remedies are not only effective but also more lasting effects than drugs.

One of the reason nowadays people try more and more the natural ways of treating such kind of disease is because the medications which you could get them everywhere are most of them with side effects for your health. This is a very serious reason which you have to consider when you take drugs and also some holistic ways.

Curing natural the yeast infection must first rely on the causes witch develop the bacteria called fungi and how you can prevent from spreading in your body.

The main causes of yeast infection are:

1. Some foods- is well known that milk and dairy products , like cheese contains yeast witch may lead to yeast infection . Also, the diet should not contain too much fast food, caffeine, processed food, sugar, alcohol ,margarine and products containing white flour.

2. Condoms witch contain a latex called nonoxynol-9 .This could lead to male yeast infection. So, always check the label to avoid it.

3. Tight clothing and underwear. Wear as much possible as you can the cotton fabrics instead of polyester ones, as the last ones don't allow very well your skin to breath.This means poor ventilation of your skin, more warm and moist environment for the yeast bacteria to grow.

4. Some antibiotics and drugs witch weaken the immune system and kill the good bacteria from the vagina.

5. Some personal care products witch contain high level of perfume scent, tampons, body spray witch also kill the good bacteria from the body.

Good natural yeast infection remedies

1. Garlic

If you are not allergic to garlic, this is one of the proven method to kill your yeast infection. Garlic is a strong anti fungal proprietor. You can make a paste from garlic and apply on affected yeast zones or you can put the paste in a cheesecloth or gauze and insert it into the vagina. After several applications, you should feel the relief.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar has well known antibacterial and antifungal proprieties. Fill a bath with warn water and a cup of vinegar, after that dry carefully. Try to do it twice per day. It is proven that apple cider vinegar has better results against yeast infection.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt, other than been a healthy snack, contains also lactobacillus acidophilus which produces hydrogen peroxide, an antibacterial. You apply the yogurt on the infected vulva and the vagina for healing. Also eating yogurt can help get rid of yeast infection.

These are the easiest natural yeast infection cures which you can apply from the comfort of your home and the most effective also.

Monday 6 October 2008

Chronic Yeast Infection - How To Cure Chronic Yeast Infection ?

Chronic yeast infection is an annoying condition which affects most of the population, especially women. Untreated yeast infection can become dangerous for your health and in some cases, old people with low immune system, could kill.

The problem with treating yeast infection is that most of the time the drugs that you can buy over the counter or prescribed by the doctor work only on limited of time, than when the climate is proper, the bacteria is developing again. And, with time it's becoming chronic. If you treat the yeast infection the wrong way, it will lead to more annoyance and problems. This because you treat the effect and the cause.

Recurring yeast infection is not only quite dangerous, but also it is affecting your life and lifestyle as is keep coming back all the time. Especially the vaginal yeast or vaginal candida as is most commonly known, is very embarrassing for women and the discomfort is obvious. The burning, no-stop itching and the white discharge and sometimes bad smell is not something that makes your life easy and enjoyable.

How can you treat chronic yeast infection ?

There are many ways to cure yeast infection nowadays, but the best ones are those that kill the cause witch trigger them. Stop saying that it will be OK, because it will not. Only by taking action you will solve it. And yeast infection doesn't wait, it is developing and become from a simple infection a chronic one.

The best treatment are the natural ways, known as the holistic ways. You should have a balance diet and if possible, to include honey, sugar, chicken, vegetables, nuts, beef and eggs. Try to avoid dairy products as cheese, also bread, peanuts and melon. Also very important is to avoid the stress as much as possible. It will do much harm to your body, especially as it triggers the yeast infection.

To learn more about how to cure effectively chronic yeast infection in a natural way and treat it forever, you can take a look here.

Thursday 15 May 2008

Natural yeast infection cures

Natural yeast infection cures are a good way to treat yeast infection holistical.

1. Tea tree oil

Tea treeoil is a good antifungal.Agood way to use it by spreading some tee tree oil on a tampon and insert it inside for a couple of days.

2. Garlic

Make a paste from the garlic and apply it on the affected areas.

3. Yogurt

An effective way to use yogurt for curing yeast infection is to dip a tampon in yogurt, and after that insert it insie the vagina. The yogurt is very effective against the yeast infection.Do this once in the morning and once in the afternoon until the symptoms are gone. Also, is very good to eat yogurt as its cure the fungus and clean the entire body.Another way is to drink a glass of buttermilk , one in the afternoon, one at night.

4. Honey

Using honey to cure yeast infection is not so comfortable and some people will not want to try it, but it is said to work wonders.Take half a cup of honey and pour it on the affected areas, while seating on the toilet seat.Stay like this for twenty minutes.After that have a warm bath and dry the vaginal area with a super absorbant paper.

5. Vinegar

Vinegar is reknown for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. For curing the yeast infection is best using apple cider vinegar. Fill a bathtub with warm water mixed with one cup of vinegar. Dry well after that.

Natural yeast infection cures | Causes

Natural yeast infection cures - Main causes

Yeast infection is developed mainly due to internal and external factors which with effort and patience can be corrected and treat yeast infection forever. the main causes are:

1. Antibiotics

These drugs are the main cause of yeast infection , especially in women and which lead to chronic yeast infection untreated.There are some antibiotics which can destroy your good bacteria from the vagina and weakend your immune system.Also some medication for pregnancy,birth control, etc. is proven that may contribute to evergrown of yeast bacteria.

2.Weak immune system

There are various reasons why someone could develop a weak immune system, but as I said earlier, some antibiotics are one of the main cause.Also,an immune system which is weak may develop not only yeast infection but also other types of infection.A lack of vitamin D could be one of the cause, also some disease as AID, lack of proper food , stress , etc.


Tight clothing might cause you yeast infection due to poor skin breath and prevention of disipation of the heat. Especially the fabrics made from polyester.


The latex from the condoms contains a spermicidal lubricant called nonoxynol-9, which it actually promotes yeast growth.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Yeast infection symptoms

Yeast infection symptons helps you recognize the disease easier and faster, helping you treat it sooner.Like any other disease the sooner is diagnoasticated, the better.

There are among 75% of the population who have had sometimes in there life an yeast infection. There are various syptoms depending os the gender and the location of the infection.

Women are the most affected of yeast infection , especially the vaginal yeast infection.This is no surprise, as the warm and moisture of the vagina helps develop the fungus called Candida Albicanis. One particulary categories are the pregnant women who develop the infection, mainly because of the hormonal changes of the body.The vaginal yeast infection may cause white and thick ischarge, often with a burning senzation and irritable vulva. This can cause quite strong pain during urination and sexual intercourSE.

Also the men are affected by the yeast infection and the sypmtoms may be the itchyness and rashes around the affected areas, pain during sexual intercourse and also the burning and pain of the penis.

Yeast infection can appear also orally, i.e. in the mouth, toungue, palate or other kind of mouth tissue and is called trush.Its signs are white patches with red bases which are very paintful when swalloing.

In more severe cases, as AIDs ones, the yeast infection can develop in the GI systems(gastro intestinal systems)and can be very painful when eating and rinking.

Having a weak immune system is one of the main cause of developing this type of infection.In severe cases can enter in your bloodstream and even the brain affecting your mental health.

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Natural Yeast Infection Cures

Natural Yeast Infection Cures

Natural yeast infection cures are an effective way to treat and overcome yeast infection. But first, let's say what is an yeast infection. Later we will find out its causes and symptoms, and how you can apply these natural yeast infection remedies to get rid of it.

What is an yeast infection?

Yeast infection or Candidiasis is caused by yeast or microscopic fungi called Candida. These fungi are all over the body, but most commonly found in the warm and moist areas of the body like vagina, fingers and toes, skin folds and under arms.

There are other types of yeast infections as Intertrigo, Moniliasis, Trush, Vulva-Candidiasis and Balanitis.